Defence Pest Management


Silverfish: How to Rid Your Home of These Unwanted Pests

Defence Pest Management Old Book

Silverfish are small, wingless insects that are usually shiny, silver or pearl gray that vary in size from 15mm to 25mm. These insects can cause serious damage within one’s home. The silverfish’s diet consists of carbohydrates such as sugar or starches, and these insects will feed on a number of various items. Silverfish prefer dry foods such as cereals, rolled oats, pet food, flour, and pasta. They also feed on book bindings, paper with glue or paste, starch in clothing, and household dust or debris. Dead insects and fungi are additional food sources for the silverfish. Silverfish are considered chewing insects, and they can damage or stain household good such as books, clothes, wallpaper, and curtains. While they have been found to be medically harmless, the droppings they leave behind can contaminate food. Professional pest management services may be necessary to eradicate a home of silverfish.

The Lifecycle of the Silverfish

Female silverfish prefer to lay their eggs in places such as crevices or on cloth. They will often bury their eggs in food or dust as well. The temperature will effect how quickly these eggs will hatch. When temperatures are cooler, the eggs of the silverfish can remain dormant for as long as six weeks. When temperatures begin to rise, the eggs will begin to hatch. Generally, silverfish eggs hatch is 32 days or less. Throughout their nymph and adult lives, silverfish prefer warm, damp places. Their ideal temperatures range from 71 degrees up to 90 degrees. However, to survive in hotter environments, silverfish need the relative humidity to be 75 percent or greater. In favorable conditions, silverfish can live up to 3 years. Even though female silver fish only lay eggs singly or in small batches, because of their extended lifespan they can be somewhat challenging to eradicate once they infest a home or building.

Recommended Silverfish Treatment Methods

Because silverfish are nocturnal, their presence may be difficult to determine. Retaining the services of a pest control specialist may be necessary. When a silverfish infestation is discovered through a pest inspection Brisbane, the best treatment method that can be utilized to exterminate these unwanted pests will be spraying or dusting with chemicals. Chemicals can be applied through surface dusting to areas in which the silverfish will have a tendency dwell or run. For more confined areas, a spray may be more effective. Once the home or building has been treated by a pest control professional in Brisbane, it will be essential for the property owners to ensure all food sources are removed when possible. Routine cleaning as well as dehumidifying and ventilating damp areas can help prevent future silverfish infestations.